What is Swamp Ass and How to Get Rid of It?
What is swamp ass? It’s not the most flattering of names, and for good reason. This term is used to describe an unfortunately common situation where you sweat more than you’d like from your butt. A...

Groin Sweat Got You Down? Here’s What to Do…And What Not to Do
Groin sweat is a fact of life. And while sweating isn’t the most glamorous of body functions,everyone does it in one capacity or another. While most people think of sweating mostly under their armp...

Can You Wear Deodorant On Your Private Areas?
Both women and men deal with the same issue. You feel fresh and ready to take on the day, then all of a sudden you start to notice a distinct odor. An unwelcome odor. An odor that comes from…down t...

How To Make My Vagina Smell Better: 9 Reasons Why Your Vagina Smells…And How to Fix It
If you've been wondering “how to make my vagina smell better”, you're not alone. We’ve all been there before. You’re going about your day and start to notice an odd smell coming from…well, down the...

Chafing While You Run? Here’s How to Prevent It
Whether you are training for a marathon or the casual weekend jogger—there is one truth that all runners know: sometimes, chafing happens. There is nothing that can ruin that runners high quite lik...

7 Best Products For Vaginal Odor
You know the smell, that odor leaking through your pants that you just can’t seem to get rid of. Is it sweat? Is it BO? There’s no other nice way to describe it other than—feminine odor. But what d...